Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crazy, Stubborn Child

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in the living room with my mom- her on the phone with my Auntie Penni and me on the computer- when my sister comes home. She has been told a million times to go to the backdoor, but every day she comes to the front anyway.

This day, we didn't want to let her in. When she started knocking on the door we tried to be as quiet as possible. Of course, the dog started running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, barking at the door. After a few minutes of this, Sister started banging on the door, making the dog bark even louder. We still didn't let her in.

 Suddenly, the banging stopped. I slowly got up and peeked around the corner, hoping she had given up and gone to the back. But no. She was still there, just taking a break. Soon she started up again, but this time she was ringing the doorbell. over and over and over again. Me and my mom started laughing, and Sister began screaming at us to let her in. This just made my mom and I laugh harder.

Sister was starting to get very angry. Hearing our laughter, she screamed "I'm not an idiot!! I can hear you in there! Let. me. in!"

To which we replied, "If you aren't stupid, why are you still there? We're not letting you in!". This made her really mad. She started screaming again, and threatened to 'kick down the door.'

Then, my mom yells "Oh, and by the way, You're late, so you're grounded." She was kidding, of course, but Sister thought she was serious and started screaming more. and when I say screaming, I mean she was screaming like it was the end of the world!

I had to leave, so I went out the back door and ran around front. when I was at a safe distance I said, "Y'know, if you'd just go to the back you would be inside by now! We're never letting you in!"

She screamed "I'm not going to the back!" and continued banging on the door.

I had hoped that when I got home she'd still be tying to get in, but my Aunt duped my mom into letting her in. She said she wanted to talk to Sister. When my mom opened the door to give her the phone, Sister  ran inside before she could shut the door again.

She was out there fifteen minutes, at least. I don't understand why the kid didn't just go to the back door.

1 comment:

  1. I was crushed to hear of your Bitter Defeat!!!! You fought so valiantly only to be blind sided by your Aunt. Woe, woe, woe. I am devastated. May you live to fight another day!
