Monday, March 14, 2011

Killer Bugs

Last night I was sitting on my bed when my Noisy cat started meowing. She's part Siamese, so it's a really loud meow. She's does this every night, so I tried to block it out. Finally I decided to check out what she was meowing at [and trying to eat]. From the half-lit basement hallway, what she was staring at looked like a wood chip or dustbunny. Before picking it up I decided to get a better look at it - Just in case.
I turned on my bedroom light and, to my horror, the "Wood Chip" darted across the floor! I bent down for a better look at it and found out that there was a big, ugly, hairy Centipede in my room!

I started screaming for my dad to come downstairs and kill the bug [I didn't want to leave it, because last time there was a bug and I took my eyes off of it, it disappeared].  My dad wasn't too happy to be woken up at 11 O'Clock at night, but he came down to get the bug.

After he flushed it down the toilet I went to bed, feeling all safe and secure, when I realized - If there was one bug, who's to say there wasn't more?!

I spent the next hour imagining all the horrible things the other centipedes would do to me for killing their centipede brother.
If my mouth was open, I'd swallow them in my sleep. If my mouth was shut, they'd crawl up my nose. I couldn't get out of bed because if I did I might step on one. If I hid under the blanket, they might be under there.
Every little tickle and itch became a centipede, reaping revenge for their fallen comrade

My basement room could be filled with the creepy-crawlers. Behind the bookcase, under the baseboards, behind the dresser, in the closet, under the bed....  

I'm doomed.

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