Wednesday, February 09, 2011

My dad is crazy!

XD so I'm sitting here minding my own business watching some cop show with my dad and mom, and my dad starts yelling about how 'OMG These cops are so stupid!!! They should've blablahblah!!!'

His face is beat red, and he looks like he's about to start foaming at the mouth xD My mom tried to tell him that it's just a show, but he ignored her, going on about how 'OMG this cop needs to be fired!! He's a horrible cop!!'

My grandparents called and my dad started telling them about how the cops in this show suck.

He does this with every show, even simple things like Spongebob. When he watches movies he's always ranting about how 'pfft! Like that would ever happen!! *cue Rainbow unicorns* It's SOO unrealistic! :/"

I'm thinking he might get a little too into television shows xD

My dad also saw a commercial for a Disney show called Pair of Kings, and his jaw dropped. He looked like it was some amazing, life-changing phenomenon.

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